
The beginning of an era: Iveraxia

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By Haina Azalea

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process and working together is a success.” This quote by Henry Ford resonated with Batch 2226 on the 9th of April 2022 when 120 students set foot on Kolej Yayasan Saad and prepared to spend the next five years alongside each other.

Just 765 days later, on the 13th of May 2024, as we locked in the number 2226 for the last time, Batch 2226 had finally formed their identity, forming a name, – Iveraxia. That Monday morning was bittersweet for the 135 of us, as we remember those who have left us and joined us along our journey here. We would no longer be known as bland numbers but finally a name of our own. 

The preparation for our launch was a tough but successful one. Various committees worked tirelessly for months just for this very day. We’ve all poured in the hard work and effort to provide a meaningful and invaluable identity for our batch, be it the logo or its colour. All of us played our part in one way or another, which makes our bond so special.

An Identity to Remember – What is Iveraxia?

Iveraxia’s batch logo

Our batch’s main goal is to introduce the idea of authenticity. Hence the name, Iveraxia is derived from 3 Latin words:

  • Invalesco — Growing Power
  • Revera — In truth
  • Ataraxia — Sense of calm

Our batch, Iveraxia chooses not to pretend to be perfect but to embrace imperfection and work together towards greater things. Thus, we too have formed our slogan that we hope each member of Iveraxia takes inspiration from, which is “Luceat Lux Vestra” which translates to let your light shine, referring to brightening our paths together.

Our batch logo is an abbreviation of our initials, IVRX. It includes the Blue Lotus flower which is a flower that often grows in muddy waters and symbolises us growing together towards success despite coming from different backgrounds. 

Choosing our colours was equally important, so we spent considerable time ensuring they represented our identity. The colours consist of:

  • Navy Blue – Symbolising loyalty
  • Gold – Symbolising optimism
  • Lavender Grey – Symbolising individuality

Now that we have officially formed an identity, it is hoped that as we walk towards the pathway of success, every individual of Iveraxia is prepared to face whatever problems that may come, as supporting and steadfast as we can be and embrace the identity we have chosen to call ourselves proudly.

Reflecting on how far our batch has come, I believe that our batch will finally unite and join heads as we shine brightly together. Luceat Lux Vestra, Iveraxia! 

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