
Art in Music? Impossible, but it isn’t!

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by Ms. Adrin Teo


No, these are not magic spells that Harry Potter calls out in the movie. These are terms that students learn and have difficulty grasping in their music class. How would a teacher explain such terms without having to empty their lungs when their students get them wrong? Is it possible to teach in a way that would leave a permanent mark in the students’ already-short-term memories?

Recently, the Form 3 students had a music lesson which they could never have imagined. Using their God-given creativity and their knowledge in music, they had to produce a 3-panel comic. Students were divided into groups and were given three Italian terminologies learnt in the Theory of Music lesson. In 15 minutes, the students were expected to come out with the comic which depicted the meaning of the terms. There were a lot of laughter when the students tried to recall the meaning of the terms such as pesante (heavy), morendo (dying away) and grazioso (graceful) and putting them in their story.

A parody of Romeo and Juliet creatively done

It was a fun way of learning the Italian terms and it has helped the students to remember its meaning better. The comic produced by the Form 3 students will be on displayed in the Music Studio 1 until the end of the academic year. This gives them a sense of satisfaction of their new achievement,  and helps them to recall what they have learnt each time they look at the work of their friends, too.

Another masterpiece by the students
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