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By Kevin C.
On 29 July 2019, the publication of the school magazine officially turned digital. After its last printed publication in 2011, Cemerlang was given a new lease of life. This time, it is published electronically for the whole world to see. Thanks to KYSERS, we now have a great news platform that enables us to reach far and wide.
It has been two weeks since the launch of Cemerlang, and so far, things have been quite alright despite some glitches here and there. Cemerlang 2.0 has to keep on going no matter who takes over its helm. There are factors to ensure history does not repeat – contents and support.
Like any other publications, Cemerlang will have a variety of bilingual news, but do not expect news that pleases the eyes of each reader, for this is completely not possible to achieve. Whether the contents are interesting or not is purely subjective. After all, one man’s food is another man’s poison. Therefore, if you think that writing about Spiderman is just for kids, then you are wrong. Don’t adults write about their superheroes, too? We can look at things in different perspectives.
One should not just depend solely on members of Cemerlang to provide contents. That is why all newspapers have columns reserved for the public to contribute articles. Now readers are even allowed to send SMS to the papers to voice their opinions. Evidently, it has to be a two-way communication thing. Contents should come from not only the editorial team but also from teachers and parents. Even the public and KYSERS could contribute.
What happens when a house is built without pillars to support its structure? It will stand for just a few years before collapsing to the ground. This analogy holds true for Cemerlang. Failing more than once, the previous Cemerlang had no support or lack of support from the ever-busy editors, students and teachers. Consequently, it crumbled. The reason for this is attitudinal. Not many took publications seriously, and not many wanted to be involved, citing reasons like being busy and having no interest in writing. This attitude must change or else Cemerlang will fail once more. We must remember that our editors are not full time journalists. They are essentially stringers. Although there are 12 of them, their priority is to excel in their studies. Cemerlang 2.0 needs everyone else in the school community to do their part to provide a continuous stream of reading materials to keep this online digital publication alive.
The editorial team operates on the “Good ACT” tagline.
- Good Attitude
- Good Communication
- Good Teamwork
To date, members of the editorial are still alive and kicking. Their motivation is still high, but there are already signs of it dipping gradually as the exams draw near. This has always been a challenge, but it should not be the reason to have backlogged articles. Cemerlang 2.0, which is the mouthpiece of the school to the public and vice-versa, is a powerful tool for all KYS stakeholders, so start penning your thoughts in English or Bahasa Malaysia, and send them to us at [email protected].