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by Arwena Padme and Arissa Hani
This July, the Prefectorial Board of Kolej Yayasan Saad Melaka had a Prefect Leadership Month. The prefects of KYSM took over the Bite Size Sharing sessions that are held every Monday, usually by the principal, Mr. Tan Cheh Li. The first week, the sessions were held by the Big 14’s according to the batches they were in charge of, followed by two other prefects that they nominated to take their place for the next week. Other prefects were split amongst the five batches to make sure that the sessions went smoothly. The topics that were presented were discussed amongst the prefects to ensure a fulfilling and exciting experience for both the prefects and the students as they aimed to make the content of these sessions more digestible. An example of the topics presented were such as self-discipline, self-leadership and time management during online learning at home.

Amongst the objectives of the Prefect Leadership Month is to encourage prefects to improve their public speaking skills as well as discipline as they have to be punctual for the sessions. Other than that, it is to make the Bite Size Sharing sessions more engaging and fun for the students of KYSM because it is easier to understand a topic being presented when someone within your age range is presenting it to you. It is also to add an insider’s perspective of being a student to the content being presented so that students can relate to the presentation and better themselves during online learning in the long run. Since the Prefectorial Board consists of only form 4 and form 5 students,the Prefect Leadership Month was able to strengthen the bond between the prefects in hopes that they will be able to work more efficiently together in the future.

As a conclusion, the Prefect Leadership Month has not only encouraged the prefects to better themselves, but also largely impacted the other students in terms of self development as they gained more understanding of how to balance their school-life situation for online learning from students themselves. It is hoped that more events like this can be held in the near future.