
2023: New year, new me!

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by Ashlyn Sheshynna

Congratulations planet Earth, another trip around the sun! It took you 365 days with continuous sideways momentum and a little help from the sun’s gravity to accomplish it but it was by far the most eventful year that you have brought us in quite some time.

Well, I hope the same can be said about you, dear reader. What has the year 2022 brought you? Peace? Joy? Happiness? The New Year for some can resemble a tidal wave that washes a feeling of regret and dissatisfaction due to a lack of effort and motivation from the past year.

Just remember that it’s a new year, so upgrade yourselves to a new you. The round floating orb we call home has a few exemplary lessons you can learn from to end 2023 with a bang.


It’s common to find yourself in a position where everyone around you is sharing their New Year’s resolutions and you feel pressured to come up with one. Here’s the thing, I’ve never been a fan of the concept of “New Year’s resolutions”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for achieving goals and setting targets but sometimes creating a time constraint on goals or even setting unrealistic targets can turn out to be a let down.

If you have a dream, an ambition, or a challenge for yourself, anytime is the time to start working towards it, you don’t need fireworks to tell you “Hey, now’s the time to set an impulsive goal”. Take your time, no sweat.


The Earth requires constant sideways momentum to keep it from falling into the sun. Similarly, we humans need constant motivation to strive in bettering ourselves. Keeping a proactive and productive routine as well as a mindset is crucial in keeping that momentum alive.

This way, you kick-start the year with zero regret and only excitement about what you could achieve with this newfound drive for excellence.


Happiness is a cliché goal everyone sets for themselves. What people often misunderstand is that happiness equals fulfilling personal needs and wants but in reality happiness is a subjective concept and varies depending on each individual.

True happiness is a choice, you choose to be your own source of happiness and not rely on materialistic needs or depend on the happiness of others.

True happiness comes from those around you. Putting a smile on a loved one’s face makes the soul happy. A gentle reminder, you too deserve to be surrounded by people who look out for your best interest. Accepting a helping hand and keeping the right people close will definitely make 2023 a joyous year.

2023 is a year to celebrate. In a recovering world from the pandemic, 2023 will bring great changes and positive self-growth. The key to self-growth is not in the New Year but in yourself.

You decide your path forward and maybe one day you’ll find yourself to be someone your past self would have been proud of. All it takes is some time and the right momentum in the form of motivation to grow to be just like the Earth. Full of light as motivation and life to keep going.

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