Everyone is pressuring all of us to STUDY, REVISE, and MEMORISE. So, what could be better than a good accompaniment to help us concentrate in front of all the books? We all love some good music to spark up the last three brain cells left while doing Mathematics or finishing new study modules. Music to trigger your brain to think, think and think.
But bear in mind, not everyone could study with background music. Some people stand by it, while some other can’t stand it. Music can amend your frame of mind, which can help you clear your mind and elevate your mood if you enjoy the music. But it also has the capability to divert your attention and distract you totally from studying (this usually happen when you enjoy the music too much).
If you are a study-with-music kind of person, I assume you usually listen to RnB songs, or maybe modern pop songs, some people prefer jazz music and others might love to start up their brain with slow rock or hip-hop music. Classical music is proven to be the best background music to help you with studying. Don’t take my word for it, go look it up! Music is preferred to be listened to with low intensity and moderate volume. You are studying, not at a rave! Come up with one or two “study playlists” that would run around 30 to 40 minutes and when the playlist ends, remind yourself to take a short break to maintain the productivity of your brain. (The playlist is at the end of the article.)
“Music is not only to hear, but it is also to feel”
At this point, you might think this is a clickbait already. Let’s go to the list now. 5 Tunes to Help You Study:
*this list is not ranked