
Ramadhan and raya revelry at Kolej Yayasan Saad

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By: Ainnur Marieyam and Nur Iman Amani

As we all know, Ramadhan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. It has great significance for millions of Muslims around the world. For students at Kolej Yayasan Saad, this period took on a unique dimension that not only shaped our spiritual journey but also fostered a deep sense of solidarity and camaraderie within the school community. 

How so? Well, Taraweeh bound us together by praying every night, which fostered a sense of community among our peers and allowed us to strengthen our faith.

As the sun set, Kolej Yayasan Saad came alive with the dynamic energy of a community Iftar dinner. Gathered together at the dining hall in harmony, students shared not only food but also stories, laughter, and moments of supernatural reflection.

Moreover, the perfection of the Bubur Lambuk-making movement was a joyous event as students assembled to enjoy the food of our labor. Eating a quick bowl of steaming Bubur Lambuk created cherished conventions, strengthening bonds of intimacy. 

Moving forward, Kolej organised a Raya lunch for students to foster mutual understanding, respect, and cohesion among peers. This celebration offered a chance for staff, teachers, and students to unite and commemorate a happy occasion.

The event commenced with students showcasing their unique talents through performances which were displayed with incredible talent and enthusiasm, captivating the audience with their skills and energy. Then, we were served with special menus that included customary dishes and treats such as rendang, ketupat, satay, ice cream, and so on.

Later that night, we had a sharing session with the KYSERS where they talked about their memorable Kolej experiences and how Kolej molded them into who they are today. Their words ignited a collective motivation and inspiration within us. The night then concluded with a brilliant display of fireworks lighting up the sky.

In a nutshell, the recollections of those significant moments continue to have a strong emotional impact on us. The spirit of unity, reflection, and togetherness that Ramadan and Raya fostered continues to influence our daily lives. The bonds formed at Kolej Yayasan Saad during this special time remain strong, reminding us that no matter the time of year, the values and connections we’ve built will continue to shape our journey.

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