
16 Sides Of A Human Brain

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By Lau Weing Xi

One of the few things that almost every Kolej student goes through is taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) during our Form 2 Guidance Programme class with Mr Azmi. But is it possible for our personality to change due to the character development we receive during our education at KYS?

Character vs Personality

This is a comparison that has been made for many years. We all know that character is a mental belief or a quality instilled in a person that is easily malleable. On the other hand, personality is something we are born with, that we have no control over. Today, I’ll be asking a new question. Can character development change our personality type?

Before we get into that, let me introduce the 16 personality types established by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The personality types contain four letters that is made out of either one of the following classifications:

  • Introversion (I) – Extroversion (E)
  • Intuition (N) – Sensing (S) 
  • Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)

Once you combine the four letters, you will then discover your personality types, sorted into four categories as seen below:


Architect – INTJ

Logician – INTP

Commander – ENTJ

Debater – ENTP


Advocate – INFJ

Mediator – INFP

Protaganist – ENFJ

Campaigner – ENFP


Logistician – ISTJ

Defender – ISFJ

Executive – ESTJ

Consul – ESFJ


Virtuoso – ISTP

Adventurer – ISFP

Entrepreneur – ESTP

Entertainer – ESFP

If you have forgotten your personality type or would like to take the quiz, click on this link:


If you would like to learn more about each personality type, click on this link:



Now that we are familiar with the many personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, let us delve in the intriguing question asked above. Is it possible for our personality types to change?

For instance, can an introvert become an extrovert after becoming more outspoken and better in speech? Why is it that some people may stand out from the stereotypes that their personality types conform them in? 

To answer the general question, no. Character development cannot change ones personality type. This is because both the creator of this personality test, Isabel Briggs Myers and the psychologists who studied the test, Carl Jung have theorised that a personality type is inborn. Nevertheless, it is crucial to highlight that this is exactly what it is, a theory. According to this theory, one may differ from their personality type in certain aspects due to the environment they are put in. We will adapt according to the situations we are in but in the end, our personality type stays the same.

With that said, there has been several occasions in which ones personality type will change. For example, one could change from an INTJ to a INSP. Among the major factors of the change is age. As one gets older, they may become more introverted as they don’t find themselves in as many social settings as before. Individual experience also plays a major role in ones personality type changing. However, most of the time, these slight changes will not effect ones personality type.



All in all, personality types dives into a topic of psychology. It classifies the human brain into categories that explains the inner workings of it while explaining why people exhibit different reactions in similar situations. Even so, more research should be done so that we have a more definite answer and explanation to the question above. Hopefully, we will receive it in the near future through exploration in this part of the human anatomy.

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