
It’s Time to Choose

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This video clip gives you a glimpse of what RBS candidates go through to see if they qualify to be enrolled as KYS students.

Each year, KYS holds the Residence-Based Selection (RBS) to select students who meet the standards set by the school. Similar to last year, KYS had two RBS sessions – one on 23 Nov. while the other was held on 26 Nov. 2019, for a duration of 3 days each.

Throughout their stay as temporary KYS residents, candidates are assessed via their participation in scheduled group activities, sports, performing arts and interviews. This year, a total of 374 candidates attended the RBS. We wish all candidates the best of luck in their attempt to secure a place in Kolej Yayasan Saad.

The school also wishes to thank all parents for their support and patience throughout the implementation of the RBS.

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